I took my baby on a river boat cruise
And she was well aware
I was excited about the way things could have been
Cause in it I don’t care
I want a face no one can recognize, in disguise
Someone called out my name
They thought of taking pictures, autographs, then they grab
My joy has turned to pain

Father always told me
You won’t live a quiet life
If you’re reaching for fortune and fame
I feel the pressure setting in, I’m living just to win
I’m down in my pain, don’t you feel it?
It’s the price of fame, you pay the price of fame
So don’t be feelin’ no pain!
It’s the price of fame, it’s the price of fame
So don’t you ever complain!

I’m on; the cover of the magazine, what a scene
They know my every do’s
“Just sign your name on the dotted line, you’ll be fine” – that always bothers me
Get in your car, you wanna take a ride, look behind
Someone is following you
You try to get away you turn real fast, but too bad
They know your every move!

My father always told me
You won’t live a quiet life
If you’re reaching for fortune and fame
I feel the pressure setting in, I’m living just to win
I bleed all this pain, don’t you ever complain!

It’s the price of fame, you pay the price of fame
So don’t you ever complain!
It’s the price of fame, you pay the price for fame
So don’t be feelin’ no pain!

It’s the price of fame, you pay the price of fame!
Father never lies, my father never lies
My father never lies
So don’t be feelin’ this way boy!

I’d like to take some time and get away, then they’ll say,
Is that boy still alive?
The week in village … what a thrill
Only the strong survive

My father always told me,
You won’t live a quiet life,
They startin’ to wonderin’ where have you been?
I feel their envious looks at me
Their mistaken jealousy
Then stand here in my shoes
And then get a taste of my blues!

It’s the price of fame
You pay the price of fame, so don’t you ever complain!
It’s the price of fame
You pay the price of fame
So don’t be feelin’ this way!
It’s the price of fame
You pay the price of fame, so don’t you ever complain!

It’s the price of fame, you pay the price of fame!
Father never lies, my father never lies baby
My father never lies
So don’t be feelin’ no pain boy!

6 commenti:

  1. se mi serviva solo il testo andavo da un'altra parte.
    per le traduzioni delle canzoni di michael vengo sempre su questa pagina, stavolta mi avete delusa

  2. Qui c'e'una Superstar che si rende conto che non puo' avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca e si ricorda che suo padre lo aveva avvisato che la fama aveva un prezzo da pagare, cioe' la rinuncia alla sua vita privata. Michael l'ha cantato e l'ha sperimentato in prima persona, ma mi piacerebbe sapere quale sarebbe la sua scelta se potesse rinascere ad una vita nuova di zecca.
    La canzone e' molto bella, musica e parole.

  3. Ho riletto oggi pomeriggio il mio commento che mi ha fatto ridere: Michael che rinasce ad una vita nuova di ...zecca.
    ZECCA, sembra sottintendere una rinascita sotto altra forma, quella di una bestiola non proprio piacevole ma se lo incontrassi tra l'erba del prato gli permetterei di attaccarsi alla caviglia e lo lascerei li per sempre. E a tutti quelli che mi dicessero:"dove vai con quella zecca attaccata alla caviglia...che schifo!" io risponderei:"Ma non vedete che porta il guanto? non vedete i calzini bianchi? Quante zecche pensate che esistano vestite cosi'? la zecca e' mia e me la gestisco io e voi fatevi i c vostri, punto.


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